Do not park your car at the airport. Parking lot fees can be steep and leaving your car in a parking lot for an extended period of time can make some people uneasy. Have a friend or family member drop you off at the airport. Alternatively, you can use the airport's shuttle service.
Your baggage can really weigh you down on a trip. Carefully consider your clothing choices. There's no reason to take half of everything you own! Take clothing that you can easily rinse out in a bathroom sink, or in a bucket if the situation so demands. Make your choices mix and match, so a few items will be worn several items in different combinations.
When you're traveling and you're in need of a taxi, make sure you pay attention to the meter. When you first get into the taxi make sure that the meter isn't broken, it is properly zeroed out, and it is turned on and off when you get out. Taxi scams are famous all over the world, and in a foreign place it is easy to get scammed. Paying attention to these simple meter tips can ensure you're charged a proper rate and not swindled.
Don't take sleep aids until you've taken off. If you use sleep aids to help you get through a long flight, wait until after you're airborne to pop the pill. If you take them earlier, you run the risk being unbearably tired if your flight is delayed or you have to deplane and take a later flight.
You should now see why this hobby and career is very popular. There is so much for you to see and do! There is also a ton of information on how to reap the benefits of each trip. By following these tips, you are well on your way to becoming a smarter and safer traveler.