Choosing Your Engagement Rings

Posted by Afuza Neeha

The History Of Wedding Rings

Choosing Engagement Rings
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Below, you will find a brief history of the wedding and engagement rings, as reported from country to country.

Roman men would "claim" their woman with the giving of a ring.

Wealthy Middle Eastern men then began to use these rings as wedding bands for their wives, who were often forced to wear a puzzle ring when their husband was away. Several centuries ago, the Europeans became rather taken with what we would class as an engagement ring, but was then called a Poesy Ring. This ring was given to a loved one as a form of promise, and signified fidelity and love. The Poesy Ring was offered as a pledge of eternal togetherness, much as today's engagement rings are offered as a promise of eternal marriage.

History Of Engagement Rings

As seen by their use of the wedding ring, ancient Romans weren't the most sentimental of people, and the early version of their "engagement ring" were thought to have carved keys on them. Why a ring?

The purpose of engagement rings and wedding bands is to convey deep emotions of eternal love, eternal happiness, eternal commitment, and eternal togetherness. In fact, these rings signify eternity - between the giver and the recipient.

What You Need To Know Before You Buy Your Engagement Ring

The announcement of your engagement to your future life partner is the precursor to the wedding itself. For a person who is deeply in love, the importance of the engagement ring takes on a great significance as the engagement ring is a forbearer of sorts for the wedding ring. The engagement ring does not and should not be relegated to an inferior ring when compared with the wedding ring.

What then is the best engagement ring?
Most if not all couples getting engaged would like their engagement ring to represent such a beautiful declaration of love. In choosing their engagement ring, they would have to decide on the material they would want their engagement ring to be structured from. An engagement ring can be of any precious metal with infilled gemstones, including jade or diamonds, but more important than that is the design of the ring.

Connotations of love, symbols of enduring love can be designed on the ring. If the engagement ring is a pre-made or jeweller's designed engagement ring, then it is important to buy that engagement ring from reputable jewelers to avoid being overcharged by unscrupulous dealers who treat this as a once-off purchase, and so take the opportunity to jack up the price.

Choosing Your Engagement Ring

Customarily the engagement and wedding rings are chosen sometime after the proposal, and Caroline goes with Mark to make the selection. The wedding ring is mentioned here because it is often purchased with the engagement ring" to match." Birthstones are considered good taste for a man's ring. What is appropriate for an engagement ring?

One stone, large or small, a cluster of small stones, a large stone surrounded by diamonds-the choice is as varied as personal taste and need follow no tradition. There are instances of even costume jewellery being accepted for engagement rings.

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